1. The game can be played by 2 to 6 players. First, a die is thrown to determine who will start. The player with the most points starts. If more than one player gets the highest number of points, they throw the dice until there is one winner. Players choose pieces and place them on the “Start” square. Each “business startup” also gets 500 in-game money!
2. Place a marker on the starting field of the “Stock market forecast” and one marker on the 6th field of each stock in the “Stock market” (6 markers in total - they all stand in one line). The game has 2 dice - black and white. When making a move, both are thrown at the same time. So, a walk step can take from 2 to 12 squares.
1. COMPANIES There are 6 different holding companies in the game - 3 of each. So, 18 companies in total. When you step on an empty company field, you can buy it for the specified price. After paying the required amount to the bank, don’t forget to take the company card and put it next to you. The card will indicate how much money you will receive taxes and holding fees (if you have all 3 companies of that type) if another player stops on your company field. When you buy a company, if another player steps on its field, that player pays you half of the company’s value. If you have bought all 3 companies of one holding, the next player who steps on pays the full price of the company. When you go around the circle, you get 5 shares of that type for each company you own. If you have a holding company, i.e. all 3 companies of one type, you get 30 shares of it. If there are no shares in the bank, you receive a cash payment from the bank corresponding to the value of the shares at that time. For instance, you have all 3 logistics companies and one cryptocurrency company. After going around the circle, you get 5 cryptocurrency shares, and you still have 30 logistics shares to get, but only 27 free shares left in the bank. If you check the logistics marker in the “Stock market”, you can see that it stands, for instance, on the 7th field. So, one share is worth 7 in-game money. So, you get 21 in-game money for 3 delisted stocks.During your turn, you can sell a company to the state for half its value. This can happen by force if your situation becomes so painful that you can no longer pay your debts in any other way - you have run out of both money and shares. In this case, the company remains in “Auction”.
2.1. There are 6 types of shares in the game - 300 of each type (100 shares for each company). You can buy or sell them during your turn. Shares of the same type can only be bought or sold, but all 6 types of shares can be traded in one move. When buying, the value of shares rises, and when selling, it falls through one field in the “Stock market”, no matter how many shares are bought or sold.
2.2. You can also regulate the share price by hiring a stockbroker. Each of them raises or lowers the value of the share in one position according to your wish, but only in different shares (two stockbrokers cannot raise or lower the same share in two positions).
2.3. Another option for predicting the movement of stocks is the “Stock market forecast”. During each move, the “Stock market forecast” marker is moved by one position. So, if you are not lazy, you can count and predict which specific share will be cheap or expensive on your next move. Although this may seem like an insignificant field, the little things lead to victory!
2.4. The last factor determining the stock movement is the dice. Their effects are unpredictable. During his turn, each player rolls both black and white dice. The number of points of the white die increases the value of the share marked with the same number, and the number of the black one decreases it. For instance, a white die has 6 points and a black one has 3 points. This means that the 6th share is rising (getting more expensive) and the 3rd is falling (getting cheaper) within one field. If the black and white dice roll the same (for instance, 4 and 4), nothing changes in the “Stock market”.
2.5. The order of stock change (during each move): 1) you move the stock according to the number of dice points, 2) you move the marker in the “Stock market forecast” and according to the field you also move up or down the required marker in the “Stock market”, 3) if you have a stockbroker, you can use it to raise or lower the value of the stock, 4) you buy or sell the stock and also move the marker of the traded stock up or down.
When you acquire all 3 companies of one type, they become a holding company. When this happens, you gain certain benefits:
1. After going around the circle, instead of 5 shares per company, you get a total of 30 shares for all 3 companies. If there are no such shares in the market, you get the cash equivalent based on the value of the shares at that time.
2. Only you can trade that type of stock, but the effect on the stock’s value remains the same as always, i.e. the value of the holding’s shares are determined by the dice, your own purchase or sale of shares, the “Stock market forecast” field and the stockbrokers (other players with their stockbrokers can also change the value of your holding’s shares).
Game money is used to buy or sell stocks, as well as to buy companies and victory points.
5.1. PERSONAL STOCK CRISIS. You return half of all your shares to the “Stock market”. If it does not divide equally, it is divided in favor of the player.5
.2. STOCK MARKET CRISIS. A player standing on this field rolls any single die. According to how many points fall, the stock of that type falls to the first position (bottom), no matter where it was.
5.3. VACATION. You give half of your money to the bank. If it is not divided into two equal parts, it is counted in favor of the player.
5.4. CASINO. You pay 300 in-game money into the bank. If you don’t have that much, you must sell the shares. If that’s not enough, you sell companies until you pay off the debt.
6.1. BLACK MARKET. When you step on a “Black market” field, you can buy a pack of it for 100 in-game money, and the next time you step on it, you can sell it for 1,000 in-game money (a player can only have 1 pack at a time). However, if you step on the “Police” field with the “Black market” pack, you will have to face the officers. If you lose, the “Black market” pack will be confiscated and you will also have to pay a fine of 1,000 in-game money. If you don’t have that much, you will have to sell shares, maybe even the companies you have.
6.2. SECURITY GUARDS. To fight the Police, you need security. You can purchase them by standing on the “Security guard” field. The cost of one Security guard is 30 in-game money. How is the fight between the Police and your Security guard? The first time you fight there are 2 Police officers and as many Security guards as you have purchased. You throw both dice together: the white die is yours, and the black one is of the Police. Whichever die has the highest number of points wins, and one of the loser’s cards is removed. If the numbers are the same, one card from each side is removed. The fight continues until one side or the other has no cards left or until all the fighting cards are removed in the last move. In this case, you win, and you can travel further. You can also take over a foreign company with your Security guards. To do this, you need to stand on the same field with the company owner at the same time. For instance, player A is standing on field IT-2 and either acquires this company or already owns it. You also stand on field IT-2 with Security guards during your turn. Instead of paying the fee, you can take over the company. If player A also has Security guards, you can choose to risk taking over the company or pay the expected fee. If you choose to take over the company, there will be a fight, similar to the fight with the Police. The attacking player’s die is white, and the defending player’s die is black. The Security guard is removed from whichever die has the lowest number of points. If there are equal points, one is deducted for both. The fight continues until one or both players lose Security guards. If both players are without Security guards on the final roll, the defending player wins, and the loser must pay double the amount normally paid for standing on this field.
6.3. POLICE. At the beginning of the game, Police cards are not placed on the game field, because if a player steps on a Police field without a “Black market” pack, nothing happens. It is then treated simply as a free field. The fight takes place when someone steps on the Police field with a “Black Market” pack. For the first time, 2 Police officers are guarding. The next time there will be 3 officers on the “Police” field, then 4, and when the fight happens again, there will be 5 officers. It doesn’t matter which player is fighting and on which Police field. there can be a maximum of 5 officers.
7. STOCKBROKER You can buy a stockbroker for 100 moneys only by stopping on the “Stockbroker” field. Although it is possible to have two Stockbrokers while playing, only one can be purchased at a time. Once a Stockbroker is hired, it stays for the entire game. This is one of the most important game elements, so don’t miss the chance when you get lucky! The stockbroker’s operation principle is described in part 2.2 of the “SHARES” section.
8. AUCTIONWhen any player steps on the “Auction” field, all previously purchased companies that have been sold to the state, if any, are auctioned first. The auction is published for each company separately. For instance, if there are 2 companies already owned but sold to the state, two auctions are held. If there are none, then the competition is for the first free company as seen from the “Start” field. The player with the highest sum wins.
The game is won by the player who gains the required number of victory points. You get them by buying a plane, a yacht, a villa and a limousine. From the economic point of view, it makes the most sense to buy the most expensive item possible, because you get more victory points for the same amount of money. However, you lose more cash that is required to invest. So, everyone decides for themselves when it’s time to buy an item giving victory points. Only one victory point item can be purchased per turn. A player who has gained the required number of victory points stops the game. There is a total of 150 victory points.If more than 2 players are playing, and the game is stopped by the non-last player (it is necessary to remember who started the game first), then the players who did not make a move have the right to the last move. However, even then you can only buy one victory point card. If you don’t have enough cash to buy the card you want, you can sell stocks, but not companies. For instance, 6 players are playing. The 1st player starts, and the 3rd player stops the game, so the 4th, 5th and 6th players still have the right to the last move. The player with the most victory points wins. If 2 or more players have the same number of victory points after the last move, their cash is counted. If it’s still a tie, those two or more players convert all their shares into cash and count the cash again. What if it’s still a tie after that? Don’t worry. That definitely won’t happen.Experienced players can choose the number of points needed to win, depending on how long they want to play and how quickly they are able to score the required number of victory points.VICTORY POINTS1. JET- 15 V. P. (Price - 2,000 in-game money.)2. YACHT - 7 V. P. (Price - 1,000 in-game money.)3. VILLA – 3 V. P. (Price - 500 in-game money.)4. LIMOUSINE – 1 V. P. (Price - 200 in-game money.)Recommended number of victory points to win the game is 35 Have fun. Good luck!